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NewsFire 1.4 Screenshot

NewsFire 1.4 Screenshot

  • July 9th, 2006 7:22 pm



Have you considered going to an iApp style background, instead of the usual brush metal? Might be cool…

It’s essentially certain that 10.5 Leopard will ditch metal altogether in favor of the iApp scheme. There’s no sense in my spending time on a “custom” theme when we’ll get it for free in 4 weeks.


I think it looks sweet. The video player is awesome looking. Is it close to release?


Ah, lovely to see the progress.

Have you ever considered the ability to cache images so you can read news while away from an internet connection?

Great program.

That’s something that’s essentially already implemented, but requires testing and refinement before it makes it into a release. No ETA, but it might make it into a 1.4 beta or point release shortly thereafter.


Looks fantastic, this is probably a stupid question but is video performance close to that of QuickTime? I wouldn’t mind have NewsFire manage my Video Podcasts, iTunes is slow as molasses.

It’s built on the same framework as the QuickTime Player, so performance should be identical.


Will they download automatically in the background, or do you still have to click each file individually?


I actually like the idea of having to choose what I download rather than to download without asking… by the way great work David!


AFAIK does Newsfire the job of loading Podcast files automatically in the background.
As mentioned above, everything else will not be cached yet, but future releases will implement this feature.


This can be cool for some people but this not tell me if he add the iSync or .Mac support like NetNewsWire or the AppleScript support. I asked for this feature for a long time. I will buy it right away this happen, more specially the sync feature.


SS looks good, this is one product I love on the mac.


Will sync’ing be added anytime soon?

Soon? No.