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Inquisitor 3.0 (Beta 1)

Inquisitor 3 Beta 1 is available now. The whole UI has been given a serious injection of style, and most importantly, Inquisitor 3 is now completely free. Tell everyone!

Please note, the preferences have now moved into the main Safari preferences view, which is where they should have been from day 1.

  • October 28th, 2006 7:16 pm



Great update :-)

Perhaps you remember the little OpenSearch discussion from about a year ago (in comments of http://www.newsfirerss.com/blog/?p=80 ). Your main concern was that the format hadn’t spread much.

Well, Flickr and Google still don’t seem to use it, *but* both IE 7 and Firefox 2 now ship with OpenSearch autodiscovery support built-in, *and* Wikipedia and several associated websites use it.

So that’s Amazon, Microsoft, Mozilla and Wikimedia backing a format; I think it’s fair to say it has developed quite a bit.

Would you like to reconsider adding support in the future? :-)


Hey man, i was thinking why don’t you make it GPL ? You could have some developer jumping on and make:

– porting to Camino / Omniweb / Whatever;

– make it do a search on a pool of search engines and then summon up the best result of each of them in one place, like Copernic (on MS Windows) does

– be proclaimed a Saint


Let us know


Version 3 looks nice, but I paid for the Camino version. Now it’s free and Camino is unsupported. What a rip.


I know I can add it myself, but IMO Youtube ought to be included in the video search sites optional by default in the preferences.


Wow ! inquisitor rocks :) (little suggestion) It would be nice to select the first result by holding the apple touch. As spotlight does… It would be even faster ! Thx a lot


Great plug-in and so nice design.
If it’s the place to make features suggestion:
– Open result in new tab by command-click
– Display more results with command-g or similar
It could also become a menu exta item like Charlotte which does not work anymore.
Beautiful work, I would be glad to pay for a Pro version :-)


A couple of questions. Why are results from Amazon appearing even though I’ve removed it from my additional search sites? Also, is there any way to display more than 6 web site results and keyword suggestions? Six is too few.


wow just stumbled upon this… this is great and just what i wanted for safari!


Having the problems as a few others here with inputting Japanese text (which I really need to use it)… Otherwise great!


would it be possible to add keyword searching to inquisitor? so instead of hitting a key combo to search something you can type:

e spiderman
ebay spiderman

to use ebay to search for spiderman?

have a toggle to enable keyword searching and if the text before the first space is a listed keyword; search using the keyword specified search?


russ: that’s a great idea. the opera browser does something like that. it would be great if inquisitor did that too


Absolutely awesome products you have here. And extra points for being a fan of The Stars.


You mention Camino users should use the last supported version, but I don’t have it… could you please post that version for all of us Camino users who want to use this? Thanks!


I love it! It’s got me using Safari again. I have to admit – using spotlight after using Inquisitor… not the same. It’s not as pretty and not as fast and… no stars!


I love this app though I will add my voice to the other Camino users’; an option to use this would be perfect! Will stay with the 2.6 release for now.


A really great application, with a beautiful look, Dave!
I only hope the japanese input problem will be corrected soon, because that’s the reason I’m not using Inquisitor now.

Thank you!


Very nice. One little annoying issue, though… Using arrow keys to navigate in the text edit field is very slow (presumably because it could be recomputing the contents of the balloon in real time?), even though it does not affect the content of said field. This makes it problematic to correct a typo or change your keywords by using the keyboard only. I assume that this is the cause but I may be wrong. Maybe my browser was just slow for some reason… Check it out! As for the favicon display, it looks a little harsh to show that white background square on a black background. I would simply make the icon’s background just maybe 2 or 3 pixels larger on each side and gradient from white to black, with rounded corners. Also, I would enforce the white background for all icons (maybe except when there is no favicon and the little blue sphere is displayed) because favicons are usually designed for a white background… Oh well, just food for thought…


It looks great; except that when I try to install it; it doesn’t work.
Safari is not open; so I don’t know what the problem is…
uhm, help?


At last, a search engine for a Mac that’s as nice to look at and as slick to use as the Mac itself! I love it!! This deserves to be a huge success.


It would be cool if I could still retain some more functionality from the Safari search bar. Perhaps if you could find a way for me to do keyword searches like “eBay macbook pro”, and have Safari automatically open the page directly into eBay showing all the searches for macbook pro. Thanks though, this does look nice!


Awesome! Thanks for the freeness. I was using AcidSearch and had spent hours customizing it just how I like it. Now I’m willing to do that for this. I feel this is an added bonus for my finally purchasing Acqusition after about a year. There is one thing that I love more about AcidSearch though. Whenever I went to a page with a search parameter on it, I could open the prefs for AcidSearch and automatically add a search link for that pages search JavaScript. I noticed that I can’t add any of my own search engines at all on Inquisitor, just ones on the list. Maybe in the next version?


Nice. But can you put a like to the old version (2.6). I want to add my search engins and the v3 haven’t this option. I’m a registred user of v2.6 and I like it. Thanks. (sorry for my english)


I do depart as difficult with my money as any other bloke – but freeing me of the Google tyrany in the Safari search box this elegantly earned you the second donation ware payment in my life ! Thanks & keep up releasing stuff like this !


My Inquisitor does not highlight the search-results when using the keyboard or mouse…? Know whats wrong?? :-(


the black UI looks better in my opinion, much nicer. dont care if the edges of some icons are slightly rough, its worth it.
Job well done!!


Thanx Dave! Love Inquisitor. The look is awesome! Please go with your first instinct and keep the color Black! Black looks cool! My only wish is to be able to bypass using Google completely. I notice if I type in a search and just hit Return it automatically chooses Google. I don’t want to use Google at all because they are now monitoring searches. If there is a way to turn Google off and let Inquistor take over completely please reply.


Inquisitor is awesome. Thanks for doing it. The price is right, of course. Just like everyone else, I’d love to see versions for Camino, Omniweb, Opera, etc. But I don’t know any code and am not likely going to learn. So no bitching from me is allowed. All you choosy beggars, why don’t you offer your coding skills to Dave and YOU write the one for your favorite browser? My arrow keys work just fine for scrolling thru options, btw. Thanks again. And I promise, someday soon I will finally cough up the cash to register my copy of Acquisition, which I have happily been mooching off for 2 years now…


It’s ok, but it would be great if you could change visaul appearance…


Where can i find a copy of 2.6 so i can use it with camino? I did buy it.