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New search options in Xtorrent 2.0 (v96)

New search options in Xtorrent 2.0Xtorrent 2.0 (v96) gains some new search display options today, to help users more easily understand search results.

“Cluster results by search site” presents your results in a tree view that structures results by the search sites that delivered the result.

“Highlight search keywords” visually emphasizes the search keywords you used for your search.

These new display modes are entirely optional and easily toggled on and off using keyboard shortcuts. In addition to these changes, Xtorrent 2.0 (v96) brings some search-related memory optimizations and a slightly de-cluttered tab view.

Download Xtorrent 2.0 at the website.

  • January 23rd, 2010 12:56 pm