Some very quick, improperly thought through thoughts on WWDC:
– RSS in Mail? It wasn’t in the keynote, but the webpage talks about it. Strange how Apple’s waffling on RSS – should it be in Safari? Mail? Dashboard? When Safari got RSS it was part of the trifecta of top features in Tiger (Spotlight, Dashboard, Safari RSS), yet Mail doesn’t even get a mention.
– Time Machine. It’s an awfully elaborate UI for something that probably shouldn’t be used that often. I use Backup for file security, and have yet to find a reason to restore anything. “Undo” works well enough for me as a safety net for stupidity, but maybe that’s because I have a 5-minute attention span.
– Spaces is pretty cool.
– Top Secret features? As mentioned in the keynote, there’s stuff yet to come. I really hope there are some killer A-list features because I’m not overwhelmed just yet.
I agree, judging from the keynote my socks aren’t exactly knocked off quite yet.
Looking at the stats of Xeon vs. G5 too, not really that huge a jump. 1.4x the speed on most of the tests I saw. I mean it’s faster, but not insanely. I think it might be hard to get quad g5 owners to switch to this.