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Xtorrent Public Beta 1 (v12)

Xtorrent Public Beta 1 has been updated to v12. This release fixes a common crashing bug and adds preferences for auto-deletion of .torrents and scheduled bandwidth limits, in addition to other minor changes.

  • September 20th, 2006 11:57 am



I love the look of this app, the feeling, in fact, all of it!

ONLY, I will personally never use it if I can’t download only part of a torrent. Thanks a lot if you can fill this request!


very nice work. All I ask is maybe show upload speeds in the dock as well. good work sir


the ability to create a torrent such as the function in bittorrent would be nice, that is the only reason i keep bittorent around. i am also echoing the want for being able to list and download certain files from a torrent and the possibility of a post torrent function. great app and impressive interface. this is the torrent program that i have been looking for. great work! =)


actually, there is one more thing that would be cool-support for downloading select files in a torrent


Yes, encryption(RC4) is a must.



I would like to see a cue option in the next version.
I could say: maximum simult. downl. : 4 (or whatever) and make a cue of other downloads.

A really neat feature would be to adjust the amount of simultaneous downloads to the amount of bandwidth used. Some torrents are slow, others are fast. So what I mean is: I could do say 10 simultaneous downloads (slow) but 4 if the download speed comes up to 200kb/sec.
Auto balancing this (depending on a users internet speed) would be a really inovative feature in the world of torrent downloading :)



I have a heavy internet filter. I would like to know which sites xtorrent uses to search torrent’s so i can unban them.
By the way Great Program!



Bug report / Feature request :
Torrents with wide character file names (such as japanese) are not opened by XTorrent


I’ve been using xtorrent for a few days now and all I can say is what a great tool. Hope it won’t cost too much when it goes out of beta.

One feature I would like to see is the health of the network like the icons in azereus. To see if you got your firewall configured correctly.

Keep up the good work !


I love this program. But I would like to see the “Incomplete” folder remove itself when a download actually is completed and is moved into it’s own folder…


Looks good, but I would love to be able to select which files within the torrent I wish to download!


I know this is not a help forum but I wanted to share mi thoughts on the issue which is afflicting XTorrent as well.

Torrent downloads are being throttled by most ISPs, at least here where I live (Italy).

Last night, I started a new file and immediately achieved a nice 300 kByte/s speed however, that lasted an hour or so and after that initial speed-burst, down to the usual creeping 10/15 kB/s.

This makes even the beautiful XTorrent (almost) unusable.

Is there a solution to the problem?


Great app! Working just fine.

For “the many cool stuff that is coming in the final version�: Can an RSS feed reader search be added, where the user can add their favorite torrent site rss feeds?


Nice App!!!

One bug I found: The Advanced Preferences pane doesn’t seem to remember changes in the listening port. I change it to the port I have forwarded in my router, but when I restart the app, it still reads 6881.

Also, please take into account the stance of Bram Cohen on encription (the genius who invented the bittorrent protocol, for those who don’t know): don’t encrypt. There are technical and legal reasons not to do it.


I found one problem; when my computer suddenly restarts all my downloads desappear and i cant resume.

In the other side, Nice Work & Thks :)


Great App!! Ps. “Clear” dosen’t work.


seems it is not very well support for Asian language?


I’ve been trying the option for:

Disable bandwidth limits:
When computer sits idle for 5 minutes

But it doesn’t seem to work for me.

It would be great if it did work.

Any ideas?

Does it work for anyone else?




Here in New Zealand they have broadbamd Max Speed Up/Down plans with a Fair Use policy with download rescrictions for peak times – 4PM-12 midnight …

How easy or difficult would it be to add a ‘Shut Down Xtorrent’ timer to the preferences …? or a … timed ‘Pause/Resume All Traffic’ … ?


@ben’s comment:

that was extremely helpful. My computer crashed and I lost all my incomplete downloads. Learning about renaming the files in Appsupport got me right back on track.


I’d just like to echo all the praise for Xtorrent and some of the features requested.

I have a slight problem though. I often get stuck files that are being well seeded and reach a certain point very quickly, say 90%, and then stop. They will occasionally report a d/l rate of something like 0.4kB/s but they never make any progress. I normally scrap them after a week because they haven’t made any progress but there is a file I would particularly like which has been stuck for about four days.


Awesome program! Love the torrent search.

However there needs to be a option to prompt asking to specify specific download locations for each file instead of having to go into the preferences and changing the location for each new download.


Very well done.

The only thing I miss is setting priorities in the download queue, which I manage now pausing what I don’t want to download immediately.

Any plans on releasing an offline documentation which could be internationalisable?

Also, I downloaded a complete file when xtorrents was closed, and when it opened it tried to download it again. I wonder if this is a bug or expected behaviour. I certainly didn’t want to happen that.


Pretty sharp app alright.

Generally CPU usage hovers around 5% with one torrent downloading on my iBook G4, but I’ve noticed if I’ve been doing any searching for torrents, it rises to 15-20% and stays there – even after I’ve closed the searches. Quitting Xtorrent then re-opening sends it back down to 5%.

That’s the only issue I’ve encountered. Other than that, it’s been working great.


I see build 18 in the release notes… is it out?


Great App!.

I may translate Xtorrent into spanish, if you want.


Hi, an excellent app you made there. Looks and feels just like it should.

My only requests are:

– dling seperate files
– advanced connection control, where you can set the number of connections for uploading slots f.e.

Thanks for the great work!


I’ve noticed that since version .19 of the public xtorrent beta, is frequently hangs on my dual 1.8ghz g5, 10.4.8. after every 10-15 min… like a network lag. How come this didn’t happen in the .19 and previous versions? what did you change the last 2 weeks in the later revisions that causes these frequent ‘application not responding’ hangs? I’m about to switch back to azureus…




the program is nice and it does everything i would want it to do but the download speeds are painfull, i’ve been downloading ~one~ torrent for the past three days,and i haven’t been able to get above 5 k/s, is there anything i can do to fix this?


Xtorrent is the best torrent software for any computer platform …period! Acquisition is the best P2P software program for any platform …period! Both user friendly and reliable. Keep up to great work. Support people and not corporations…I like that!