best torrent app ever
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Xtorrent for Leopard

As I mentioned previously, there are some obscure issues with Leopard that have become apparent. In my continuing effort to ensure the best user experience for all Mac users, I’m releasing Xtorrent 1.1 (v53) today to address these issues. This release also has some non-Leopard improvements, so it is recommended for all Xtorrent users.

Save $20Mac OS X Leopard, just $109 – amazon.com

  • October 29th, 2007 2:34 pm



Thanks for the updates Xtorrent and Acquisition work great now!


Hi, do you know why the command “check for update” doesn’t know anything about the new v53 version??
Thanks and keep up the good work!


Does xTorrent Have proxy options, as im currently behind a proxy when at university and i cant get any of my downloads to connect.


Gotta say, still using the same Xtorrent on Leopard without any problems!


I have the latest xtorrent, but ever since turning on the the Leopard firewall it no longer works. It runs, but no searches work at all.

After turning on the firewall I was prompted to allow access for xtorrent. Which I did. However, it simply doesn’t work.

I have even turned the firewall back off and it still doesn’t work.

Any ideas? I realise this could in fact be a firewall issue rather than an xtorrent issue.


I really don’t like this new firewall.


It could be related to code signing.


This new update (v53) is amazing, it runs amazing in Leopard, and the feed refresh is fixed, awesome.

much more responsive now too! Thanks a bunch. v53 is my favorite so far.

keep it up.


Any plans for encryption? I am hesitant to use torrents any longer what with all the spying and lawsuits even for non-copyrighted stuff.


Dave, do you have any plans to add encryption support to Xtorrent?



Your products are awsome …
But when will it be possible to use XTorrent with a proxy ?


I’m having a lot of problems with xtorrent lately with unregistred torrent pass messages, and tracker errors etc. Even the searches don’t seem to be coming back with good results. Has something changed ?


Thanks for the upgrade. A couple of things to say ..
Every time I open Xtorrent in Leopard I get the “Do you want the application Xtorrent to accept incoming network connections?” .. but Xtorrent is already in the list within the first wall settings!? .. Any way to change this behavior?
Also .. while the RSS feature of Xtorrent is good, are there any plans to use filters for automatic downloading?
Thanks and keep up the good work :)


Thank you so much. I really love the update for Xtorrent. The new checkable boxes and completion checks are exactly what I wanted before I even knew I wanted them.


Thanks for Xtorrent!


I have problems with my serial number. Thanks.


i download movies from the xtorrent pro that i purchased and my mac tells me it isn’t a movie file after hours of downloading. it has happened on more than one occasion. any suggestions as to what is wrong? i purchased the upgraded version and am wondering what the problem is??


Do i need to open up ports in my router to speed to things for xtorrent?



thanks for programm it’s really great


I recently upgraded to Leopard from Tiger, and when I try to use my activation code, xTorrent just sits there with the progress bar going on forever . . . How do I fix this? I’m using 1.1 (v53)


I translated (almost totally) Xtorrent in French.
Does this interest you ?



i bought a license for Xtorrent 1.0, do I have to buy a new one for version 1.1?
If I choose “Check for update” in Xtorrent it says 1.0 (v45) is the newest version.


I see from the notes that a search suggestion was implemented, but no mention of what exactly. The search function has always been a huge plus for XTorrent, IMHO.

But- I really, really, really, want to see a ‘refresh’ search button. Right now, the only way I’ve found to ‘refresh’ a search is either quit and restart the app, or erase and re-establish the search itself. ? Anyone know anything else?


I’m using the latest vesion of XTorrent 1.1 (v53) and still every time the application starts it makes an ‘Incomplete’ folder on the desktop, even if I change this location in the pref’s. What to do ?


Works great, thanks for the update. Any progress on implementing encryption? I’ve read your thoughts on the matter, but it seems like we’re getting excluded from a lot of peers that are only supporting encrypted connections!


Excellent Xtorrent app, would like to see seeds and leeches in the search results though.

Also, I’ve changed my email address and want to know how I’d get re-activated again if I needed to.



I’ve been using xtorrent for a month or so and it will no longer recognize the external drive I had been using up until this point as a destination. Do you know what i could do to fix this problem?


I would very much like to purchase Xtorrent but I simply will not use Paypal. Can you process a credit card without them or do you use any alternate similar company?




This is more of a question than a post…

I love this program, but for one thing. When it freezes and I reboot, Xtorrent will search for how much of a program that has been downloaded. It inevitably finds the wrong number – and for one download (20+ gb) it decided that I had 3.8gb instead of the 10gb I had before it collapsed!

is the information still there?


6 months after 1.1 was released, still no new update … I wonder why i have bought this software for life time upgrade… :-(((



I’m dowloaded the new xtorrent version and it’s not working. After open it like a bug and i have to force the exit. I was very enjoy with xtorrent and now it a little stress, because I couldn’t use it and not dowload.
Please help me!!
it’s a good software ans I paid for it and I recommanded to all my friends.
Looking forward for your reply,

Thank you for advance



I would like instructions on how to add search sites to xtorrent. It finds things on google and yahoo, but mininova and isohunt seem to have more results. Can I get it to search there? There is no HELP with this program so I may need some info on this. Thanks


Dave, do you have plans for Xtorrent future updates?
Current version works very unstable on Leopard for me :(


problem with leopard server

i installed xtorrent on a leopard server machine

for some reason search will not work

an idea ?


Please can you make it easy to resize the fonts in your app. These small fonts are killing my eyes. Many thanks.


I love Xtorrent – what is better that or Acquisition?


Just got the aplication. Don’t use torrents much so found the simplicity and lack of an issue with my time capsule ports to be awesome. So far so good.


ummm…first time I used xtorrent, great app for the most part, but it seems that everytime my internet goes out..xtorrent locks up and loses all the progress of the torrents in mid download all the fucking time. Fix that.


I´m a new user with Xtorrent 1.1 (v53). When I try to find something in the search window the program do not respond and I need to restart it. It is not posible to use the search window whithout a crash of the program.
I’ve purchased it the last month.
Is there any solution.
My imac runs on Leopard 10.5.3


David, is there going to be any more updates to XTorrent in the near future? Things like encryption would be nice (and DHT, if it doesn’t so it already). I love the RSS feed stuff, but my ISP (BT in the UK) is pretty nasty on throttling, tho encryption gets around it……

Can you post on the state of things? Thanks.


Where do I activate my Xtorrent pro licence???


PLEASE release an update for 10.5.3!!!
xtorrent has been so weird since i updated leopard…


i’m from egypt & i want to buy xtorrent & i didn’t find my country what shall i do ???


How do you create torrents? I have loads of stuff to share, but no way other than p2p to upload it.


Xtorrent under 10.5.3 does not show anything in the Downloads window (with Show all downloads on). A download still happens, with the speed showing at the bottom of the window, but I can’t access any data about it because the window is empty. Anyone else having this problem?


I’m having SERIOUS problems with xTorrent 1.1 under Leopard — it constantly freezes all the time, and I can’t figure out why. Even when not downloading and just sitting idle, it will freeze and give me the spinning beachball after about 5 minutes.

Is there something about the Leopard firewall settings I need to know? What gives?


Xtorrent ROCKS! It has no equal in the Mac world.
I love it, but, I have a problem I hope someone can help with.
After a screamin’ fast download, a torrent sometimes stops. It often NEVER starts again or if it does, it’s a trickle. Any help?
Keep up the good work guys.
The MacGuy