I’m pleased to announce the immediate release of Xtorrent 1.0 (v41). In addition to the standard bug fixes and tweaks, the highlight of this release is the incorporation of new miniature download status indicators that appear inline with query results and torrentcast items. These status indicators make it trivial to see the immediate status of a torrent without having to switch to the full downloads view. Any poorly performing torrents can be cancelled directly. Also worth nothing are some internal changes that should see v41 return more results to queries than v40. Please note, this release is not yet available via auto-update. In fact, my general policy is to never put releases in auto-update for at least a day or two to allow for a certain amount of limited testing.
about the author
- i am a user experience designer from the mountains of canada, specializing in mac, iphone, and web development.
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Copyright © David Watanabe. If I was chosen, I would gladly give it back.